гидравлический экскаватор с гибридным, дизель-электричесим приводом.

Гидравлический экскаватор с двумя двигателями: электрическим и дизельным.

Гибридный гидравлический экскаватор с двумя двигателями: электрическим и дизельным.

Гибридный гидравлический экскаватор с двумя двигателями: электрическим и дизельным.

Гидравлический экскаватор с двумя двигателями: электрическим и дизельным.
To the attention of managers and specialists of technical services of mining companies!
TERRAMASH GROUP LLC, the official dealer of Sichuan Bonny Heavy Machinery Co LTD (Bonny ™), announces the start of accepting orders for deliveries to Russia and the CIS and EAEC countries of the Bonny ™ CES1250-8 heavy hydraulic excavator equipped with a TWIN POWER hybrid power plant. T his odes to the most advanced developments of Bonny ™ is the most advanced among all manufacturers of mining machines designed for operation in mining conditions.
The uniqueness of the CES1250-8 excavator is that it has two power units: electric and diesel. To create an excavator with a hybrid power unit, which has both electric and diesel engines, the designers of the R&D department of the BONNY company were encouraged by complaints from the operational and technical services of mining companies about the difficulties associated with moving electric excavators to different areas and taking them to a safe distance when performing blasting operations. Mobility issues have often become a determining factor for mining companies when choosing an excavator. Despite the fact that the cost of operating diesel-powered excavators is much higher than the cost of similar electric excavators, buyers often choose diesel-powered excavators.
With the Bonny ™ CES1250-8 excavator, the mobility challenges of electric excavators are a thing of the past. In addition to the fact that the excavator has all the most modern technical innovations, its main advantage is that it operates in two modes: the main excavation mode is carried out from the 6000V electric network, the excavator can be moved without connecting to the mains using a built-in diesel engine (Cummins QSM11 -330 (Tier III). The efficiency of an electric excavator in comparison with a diesel one, only due to the absence of costs for diesel fuel, is 40% or more. If we take into account the complete absence of maintenance costs for the internal combustion engine and its components (fuel injection pump, nozzles, cooling radiators , fuel and oil filters, etc.), as well as their expensive repair, the savings will be even more significant.
For those interested, the cost analysis is here:
At the request of the client, the Bonny ™ CES1250-8 excavator can be equipped with the Cummins QSK23-760 engine (option). In this case, the excavator fully operates in both electric mode and diesel engine mode, allowing selective excavation to be performed without being connected to the mains.
Additional information and advice by phones: (812) 910-12-16, 910-12-15, or by sending a request to E-mail: gktmg.ru@yandex.ru